Streamline Your Taxi Business
With Ease!

With Fleetera, you can automate the dispatching processes, making it easier for you to manage the taxi business. We offer variety of features such as route optimization, real-time tracking, automated dispatching, and detailed analytics.

Wild Landscape
Wild Landscape

Explore Our Capabilities

We provide cutting-edge technology solutions to simplify your taxi business operations and amplify efficiency.


Booking Management

With our app or website, the passenger can book their ride in advance or on-demand.


Dispatch Management

Dispatchers can allocate rides to drivers, monitor their performance and also manage customer queries.


Driver Management

Companies can manage their drivers, including tracking their performance, assigning rides, and managing their schedules.

Why Fleetera?
Our software allows you to assign rides to drivers with just a few clicks, track their progress in real-time, and ensure that your passengers are picked up on time.


We offer white-labeled taxi booking software. Our software can be customized based on the needs of your business.

Around-The-Clock Support

We have 24x7 customer support to help you out when you are in need. If you have any queries, you can contact our support team.

Global Solution

Our software can be used across the globe as we provide multilingual support. Thus, it can be leveraged worldwide.

Real-Time Insights

From increasing incomes to customers, you can get complete real-time insights using our automated report.


We use cutting-edge technology to support more than 10k rides/day. Our software can be upgraded based on your needs.

Wallet System

We provide wallet system to both drivers and passengers to provide a hassle-free payment method.